Macross-Robotech is one of the anime we grew up with.. if we are in the same range of age.. haha.. Anyways, getting the transforming mecha figure type; fighter, gerwalk, robot mode are pretty pricey for me to start off.. so, when kaiyodo revoltech released the range macross range, i chose to purchase the mecha figure VF-1J (No:034) and Regult (No:051).. So, i get to play around with it.. haha.. its been on the shelves and well, it got kinda dusty.. So, the good thing bout this blogging thingy is i get to keep track of my mechas, figures and etc collections (if it deserves to be called collections..) and also to keep it more maintain, since i believe public might view it, n die hard collectors might get pissed on how i treat the figures.. My photography is very amateurish, so bear with me.. i hope to improve in time as i get more used to this..
Revoltech No: 034, Macross VF-1J
Revoltech No: 051, Macross REGULT
Get ready for some VF-1J vs REGULT space fight!!!
5 weeks ago
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