Sunday, February 14, 2010

Wishing all of you a HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR... its the year of the tiger, time cash in all the red packet angpow and start roaring for some figmas.... i was browsing through some website, n some up comin figmas would make anyone drool over it...

Teana Lanster from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS. This one would be nice to have... Cant remember the name of her gun, Cross Mirage maybe, which is a gun-blade actually.. should be pretty cool on a figma..

Kamen Rider Ryuki (仮面ライダー龍騎, Kamen Raidā Ryūki?, Masked Rider Ryuki).. The wing type is interesting.. but i think i'll pass on this one..

Nanoha Takamachi and Fate Testarossa of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Movie version.. Not too interested in this two as well... since i already have figma Fate barrier jacket version, with the especially oversized Bardiche Riot Blade...

Micheal Jackson, thriller version.. a figma??

Expect MJ fans to go crazy on this one.. i'm a fan, but dun think i'd get this one too..

Fate Stay Night: Archer.. this i got to get... i anticipate it to be released after the movie.. probably... wonder how many type of the unlimited blade works would be included.. looking good...

Fate Stay Night: Alter Saber.. lookin better than the Revoltech version.. maybe i'd get this'd better not be bundled with games or watever...

Fate Stay Night: Rider.. not really into rider... though she's a pretty cool character, but... nope.. but the figma does look good.. can't deny dat...

Fate Stay Night: Fate Xtra Saber.. Her blade sends shivers to the spine... I think its bundled with the Fate Extra PSP game.. gonna be costly... probably like Saber Lily...

Fate Stay Night: Year 2010 pocket hole maker...

Shirou riding away... Mid life crisis started to kick in i think.. hahaha.. not my kinda ride..

All enjoying themselves with their rides.. Miku look like she's really having fun.. damn couldn't get one of them miku figma...

Neon Genesis Evangelion : Movie version figma.. I think its figma 1st attempt on the EVA series... started of with the pilots.. good choice.. hahaha.. I'm not really into these too, though the anime quite interesting.. but i dun mind getting Rei.. it looks as good as the Fraulein set..

Black Rock Shooter figma???!!! This i gotta get.. i remmember seeing a blog doing a custom BRS.. pretty cool.. BUT nothing beats an official release... when will it be? i bet the PO will go crazy as soon as its announced.. This i gotta to have...

All pics are taken from: Neko Magic